What our customers are saying about us

The Honorable Mervyn M. Dymally
"Dear Dr Shalev
Please accept my profound thanks for your prompt attention to my ear. I deeply appreciate your caring, and the friendship of the Shalev family. With very best wishes
Mervin Dymally"
Veteran Testimonial
"To Dr and Rachel,
I very much appreciate your professional advice in this matter. The VA is very difficult to deal with from my experiences. Hopefully your professional opinion will shed light on my hearing dilemma.
God Bless,
Wishing you the Best in your medical endeavors."

Patient "LY" Testimonial
"Dr. Yoav
Sorry I've been long at writing this Thank You. I fell and have a ruptured disc in my back after being in California.
I'm so grateful for my hearing aids. You've made lots of people happy especially me. You're the best.
God's blessings to you"
Patient "LD" Testimonial
"The Ear Group - Dr. YOAV SHALEV
Thank you so very much for superb service. You gave me life back! I'm so happy with my hearing aides, and equipment! No words can express the true gratitude I, and my whole family have for you, and your practice. Thank you again You Are The BEST forget the Rest!
Truly, "

Patient "JC" Testimonial
"Monday Sep 16, 2013
Thank you for your professionalism and courtesy. You are the most personable and we immediately felt at ease. At this point in our lives it is refreshing to interface with a high level of competency.
Make it a point to visit us - our door is always open.
All the best to you."
Patient "IG" Testimonial
"Dear Yoav,
I wanted to take this time to write this card for you to say how grateful I am to have met you. It takes a truly remarkable human being to do what you did for me. You've given me the chance to believe that miracles do happen. You had my back the entire time and never gave up. Thank you so much for that. If it wasn't for you (really!) I wouldn't be scheduled for surgery on June 8, 2009! I'm super stoked! anyway I don't want to be all mushy with you but I can't help it. Enclosed is a little token of my appreciation for everything you've done for me. I sure hope you enjoy starbucks the entire world does! I will call you to let you know about my surgery. Until then take care of yourself!

Patient "GS" Testimonial
"a million thanks for all you do. My pleasure to meet you
Patient "DB" Testimonial
"May 26, 2016
to all,
thank-you so very much for being so kind and helpful.
You made me very comfortable and at ease. Your humor was wonderful and you are very professional!
thank you and I noticed how hard you work!!
Please take time to play!